Beyond the Boilerplate
November Newsletter - Curated by Boilersource

Boilersource will be closed November 23 – 24 in observance of the Thanksgiving holidays!
We wish you and your families a blessed Thanksgiving.

News You Can Use
On November 16, 2023, Tony Ranallo of Boilersource provided a public comment to the Illinois Stretch Energy Code Advisory Council Residential Subcommittee in support of making Gas Heat Pumps an option for the Stretch Energy Code. As the Robur Gas Absorption Heat Pump representative for Illinois, Boilersource was asked to comment on this pending legislation.
Below is a transcript of Tony’s comments.
Good morning,
My name is Tony Ranallo. I am co-owner of BOILERSOURCE. We are an independent manufacturer’s representative for HVAC equipment. I have over 43 years of experience in the industry. I am a past president of the Illinois Chapter of ASHRAE and a Trade Ally with Peoples Gas, Northshore Gas and Nicor Gas.
I am a supporter of innovative technologies of all sorts that will help us achieve our decarbonization goals both locally and globally. Gas heat pumps are a vital technology that will help us achieve these goals. Gas heat pumps have been around for a long time and are a proven method to drastically increase system efficiencies. In fact, the gas absorption heat pump design used by Robur was inspired by an idea from Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard.
Here are some of the major points in favor of gas heat pumps.
Per the US DOE 40% of our decarbonization goals will be met by energy efficiency measures. That is why energy efficiency is one of their pillars. Saving energy FIRST must be our top priority no matter how we choose to decarbonize.
Gas heat pumps can supply heat efficiently and cost effectively down to subzero temperatures unlike air source heat pumps. This is important since Illinois is in ANSI/ASHRAE climate zones 4 and 5 with the bulk of our population in zone 5. It gets cold in Chicago and Northern Illinois!
Also per the US DOE natural gas is 3.3 times less expensive than electricity for heating homes. This is an economic reality we must not and cannot ignore.
Gas heat pumps are simple to install and maintain. This is good for the homeowner to reduce the total cost of ownership and is also good for the installer to reduce installation and service costs.
Gas heat pumps use very little electricity and do not require upsizing the electrical service to the home.
Gas heat pumps use a safe environmentally friendly refrigerant that has no Global Warming or Ozone Depletion Potential, AND NO PHASE OUT DATE!
Gas heat pumps sit outside the building and allow for a combustion free interior. This is an important aspect for passive home and net zero designs.
In conclusion, gas heat pumps offer the homeowner an energy efficient, cost-effective alternative while our nation develops new fuels and energy sources that are truly 100% carbon free. Gas heat pump technology is proven, it’s here NOW and ready to install. We need options that not only promote decarbonization and energy efficiency but allow for a competitive environment to help keep the economics reasonable. I urge you to take a REALISTIC and HUMANISTIC approach to the stretch code and allow the option to use gas heat pumps. Thank you.
Boilersource is your leading authority on commercial heat pumps, with an excellent product line-up. Call us to learn more about how we can bring more energy and cost-efficient solutions to your mechanical room.

Industrial heat pumps – Boosting the energy transition
To combat climate change, we need new ways of producing energy. Oilon’s energy-efficient industrial heat pumps are a tangible solution for reducing emissions. Besides traditional HFC refrigerants, it offers HFO refrigerants with an extremely low or near-zero global warming potential (GWP). Its heat pumps are a flexible solution that can be used for different heating and cooling applications in industrial operations and large properties as well as for district heating and cooling.
Combined heating and cooling – tapping into industrial waste streams
Modern heat pumps allow companies to use waste heat sources which would be otherwise difficult or impossible to use. The best coefficient of performance can be achieved with combined heating and cooling (CHC). In CHC solutions, a heat pump cools down one part of a process and uses the extracted energy to heat up another part of the process, reducing the need for traditional forms of heating. This arrangement can be used to create a fully carbon-neutral heating and cooling solution.

Robur offers gas-fired absorption chillers and gas-fired absorption heat pumps. The manufacturers versatility and product line up can service virtually every segment of light commercial chilled water applications, as well as offer alternating heating and cooling and simultaneous operation models.

Hexonic has over 30 years of experience manufacturing heat exchangers. In addition to traditional shell & tube and plate frame heat exchangers, Hexonic offers innovative designs such as their coiled-tube heat exchangers. Custom-designed units are available in addition to a wide range of stocked products.

Webinar Opportunity!
Interested in learning about Steam Boiler Blowdown Heat Recovery? Register today to attend a live educational webinar.
Upcoming Trade Ally Webinar:
Steam Boiler Blowdown Heat Recovery
Date: Nov. 29, 2023
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Join this webinar with special guest speaker Tony Ranallo to learn all about steam boiler blowdown heat recovery and how it reduces fuel consumption and improves boiler efficiency.
After completing your registration, you will receive a confirmation email including instructions on how to join the webinar.

Entertainment & Amusements
Thanksgiving Brain Teaser!
Get ready for some laughs at your table. Everyone loves a dad joke and a good riddle. But this holiday season, spice up your routine by tossing in some of these Thanksgiving brain teasers. We’ve got you covered with 10 good ones.
My fares were the Pilgrims’ as from England I did set sail. Though the journey was harsh, my passengers I did not fail. What am I?
Why did the turkey cross the road?
If it took three people four hours to roast a turkey, how many hours would it take four people to roast the same turkey?
At Thanksgiving dinner, which hand should you use to butter your roll?
What kind of key has legs but can’t open a door?
I can be hot or cold. I can be made with fruit, vegetable, or meat. But any way you see it, on a Thanksgiving table, I will be a treat. What am I?
I have ears, but I cannot hear, and I have flakes, but I have no hair.
What am I?
When the Pilgrims landed, where did they stand?
What do you get when you cross a turkey with a centipede?
What smells the best on Thanksgiving?
The Mayflower
To prove he wasn’t chicken
Zero—the turkey is already cooked.
Neither—you should use a knife.
A turKEY
A pie
On their feet
Lots of drumsticks
Your nose
The Answers

Monthly Recipes
While we normally feature a mouth-watering culinary delight, it’s the holidays and that means your in-laws, or perhaps that less-than-tactful Aunt, is on her way to celebrate with you. If your families are anything like ours, perhaps it is a balance of sweet and sour!
Maple syrup naturally sweetens this bourbon-citrus cocktail.
Yields: 1 serving(s)
Total Time: 5 mins
5 tbsp. (2 1/2 oz.) bourbon whiskey
1 tbsp. (1/2 oz.) fresh lemon juice
1 tbsp. (1/2 oz.) fresh lime juice
1 tbsp. (1/2 oz.) orange juice
1 tbsp. maple syrup
3 dashes orange bitters
Citrus wedge, for serving
In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, shake bourbon, lemon juice, lime juice, orange juice, maple syrup and bitters. Strain over ice; serve with a citrus wedge.