Boilersource is proud to be a presenting sponsor for Meilner Mechanical Institute’s, Illinois School Boiler Room Technology and Safety Conference, on July 14, 2017 at the Hyatt Regency in Schaumburg. The conference aims to share knowledge with school facility managers by industry leading boiler room equipment and support companies on extending the life, safety and cents of boiler systems in uncertain times.
The seminar agenda was born collectively by the presenting sponsors as an answer to their customer’s most pressing concerns. The consortium of over 14 industry leading boiler room solution providers collaborated on content, ensuring a rich experience for all attendees. “This has been a labor of love for Boilersource, sharing our insight and helping schools gain the most efficiency in their boiler rooms is important to the school’s financials, as well as for the safety of their students & faculty,” said Jacek Grob, Executive Vice President of Sales and Business Development for Boilersource.
Seats are still available for this free conference. For more information visit www.meilnerinstitute.com.