What is Raymote?

Raymote is Raypak's application that allows you to remotely monitor your boilers or water heaters from your mobile device or desktop PC. With touch-of-a-button access to vital, real-time information, it aids in decision making, monitors cost saving measures and helps reduce downtime.
Real time service notifications keep you informed and prepared.
Preventive maintenance reminders.
Easy to understand "service-needed" notifications.
Instant visibility to historical/trend data and performance reports.

View and manage your Raypak systems at multiple sites
1 year of service included.
Raymote retrofit kits available for installed products with the VERSA IC® touchscreen
RAYMOTE IS INCLUDED FOR FREE on all new products with VERSA IC touchscreen:

XVers™, XTherm®, Xtherm Professional Indirect™
and MVB®.
Download the free Raymote App Today!

1. Connect to Wi-Fi
2. Register your units and set your preferences
3. Add additional users
You are set to remotely access
your Raypak Equipment!