Internet Control Management Systems
With Heat-Timer's ICMS for Platinum Series Controls, you will gain remote access to multiple buildings and Platinum controls through any internet connection; making it easier for you to monitor, access and revise boiler control settings through your mobile phone, tablet, or desktop. Heat-Timer's ICMS can also extend the life of your boiler system and help you identify possible system issues so you can respond quickly to make necessary adjustments. Installing Heat-Timer's ICMS is extremely cost effective allowing you to quickly lower your energy costs while maximizing comfort!
ICMS for Platinum Series Controls
Key Features & Benefits
Access and Change Settings
The Account Owner has the authority to create any number of users each with different access levels. This level of assigned access can vary by control. The Account Owner can also assign access and the level of access for users from other accounts. Depending on the level of access assigned, users can either monitor the building/control or have the ability to change control settings. This ability to assign access as needed gives a maintenance/service company the advantage of managing all of their customers from a single account.
Building List and Building View
The ICMS Dashboard is the main screen from which you can gain access to your account(s) along with the assigned control(s) to those accounts. You can also gain access to the settings of each control and the individual sensor information. Get real time access to information that is important to your building and boiler room.
Live Data
ICMS brings building and live data from the Platinum control to the user. In addition, changes to the Platinum settings are immediate and the ability to lockout setting adjustments locally at the Platinum control are a click away if desired. A user will be able to view and change settings on any computer with internet access. No specialized software is required.
Reports and History
ICMS gives the user the ability to have any setting or sensor reported and charted. The data is always available for the user. The user has the ability to customize and modify detail history at any time allowing the history data to be be viewed and analyzed in a variety of ways. Customized reports can also be configured to be emailed to the user at specific time intervals. The user can also export history data in multiple formats to be used in a variety of reports.
A specialized user account in ICMS can be created as a Monitor. This type of account is usually for a Service/Maintenance company and allows them to utilize the ICMS account to receive instant alarm notifications. The monitor account can have constant detailed live alarm notifications and status information for all buildings and panel accessible by that ICMS account.
Alarm and Alarm Logs
Each Platinum control and assigned sensor can be configured for a variety of alarm notifications. The alarm notifications can be delivered as an email, as a text message to a mobile phone, to the web account or any combination of deliveries. ICMS also maintains a detailed alarm history log of all alarm events and their deliveries for viewing allowing the user to identify problem patterns.